How to care for a Miltonia?
The following care tips, which will be included with your order, will help your recipient enjoy this orchid for as long as possible:
- Light: your orchid enjoys very luminous places so that it can grow better. In summer, keep the orchid in a light shade to protect it from sunburns.
- Temperature: between 15 and 18°C
- Watering: we advice you to water your orchid every week with moderate water by showering the top of the pot. You can also spray the roots outside of the pot to encopurage a new flowering.
- Fertilisation: this orchid needs fertilizer during spring and automn to encourage new flowerings.
- Repotting: prefer to repot your orchid during summer to maintain it in good conditions.
- Outside: you can put your orchid in the garden during summer, particularly in the shade. Be careful to water it a lot during heat waves and to protect it in case of heavy rain.